Focus Areas

Edgy Arts
We focus our arts-funding on providing Bay Area audiences relevant, enlightening, intimate and high-quality arts experiences. We partner with creative leaders in the Bay Area, supporting their missions to bring diverse, under-represented, emerging artistic talent to audiences and to the public eye. RHE Charitable Foundation shares these organizations’ goal of increasing audiences attending and participating in the arts.

Human Resilience
We partner with nonprofits that provide for our challenged community members. Human Resilience is empowered through education, housing and social services, mental health and addiction-recovery services, and self-esteem building partnerships and mentorship. Our Executive Director witnessed remarkable human resilience when serving as a counselor for Swords to Plowshares housing program.

The Environment
We support a selected number of Northern California’s stewards of the environment. These leaders and their nonprofit organizations deftly watch after and advocate to preserve our region’s natural treasures through habitat preservation, conservation research, partnership-building and environmental advocacy, environmental science and environmental education. Our future depends on kids and families getting outdoors today.
Mission Statement
RHE Charitable Foundation’s Mission is to extend the legacy of compassion and generosity created by its founder, Richard Henry Epstein.
We provide grants to organizations whose work we admire.
We are particularly interested in:
– Protection of lands and waters that serve to enrich the lives of all creatures, including us.
– Restoration of human resilience
– Cultivation of edgy arts
The National Women’s History Museum
The National Women’s History Museum’s vision is to build a world-class museum at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The National Women’s History Museum currently raises awareness and honors women’s diverse experiences and achievements through its dynamic online museum, educational programs, scholarship and research. Once housed prominently among the other [...]
The New Leader Scholarship
The New Leader Scholarship provides aid to extraordinary upper division and graduate students in San Francisco/Bay Area public universities. We are committed to supporting economically and socially disadvantaged youth, mainly people of color, who have already shown promise and academic potential.We focus on helping them raise their sights to the [...]
The San Francisco Drydock
The Dry Dock is a safe, friendly facility dedicated to providing support to 12-Step group meetings. If you are on the road to recovery, please attend one of the many meetings held at our facility.. We strive to provide an inner sanctum for one and all in recovery, allowing recovering [...]